In any web application, we may need to send Email for feedback, for messages, or for any other purpose. In this blog, I will show how to do it step by step.
- Start a new MVC project.
- Give it some name.
- Select ASP.NET template.
- Open your Home Controller (or any controller)
- In Controller, create an ActionResult method SendEmail (you can give it any name).
public ActionResult SendEmail() {
return View();
Add an empty View for this action method and add the following code.
@ {
ViewBag.Title = "SendEmail";
} < h2 > SendEmail < /h2> < br / > < br / > @if(ViewBag.Error != null) { < h2 > @ViewBag.Error < /h2>
} < form method = "post"
action = "SendEmail" > < div class = "container" > < span class = "form-control-static" > Receiver: < /span> < input class = "form-control"
type = "text"
name = "receiver" / > < br / > < span class = "form-control-static" > Subject: < /span> < input class = "form-control"
type = "text"
name = "subject" / > < br / > < span class = "form-control-static" > Message: < /span> < input class = "form-control"
type = "text"
name = "message" / > < br / > < input class = "btn btn-primary"
type = "submit"
value = "Send" / > < /div> < /form>
Now, add another action method with the same name and Httppost request as following
public ActionResult SendEmail(string receiver, string subject, string message) {
try {
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
var senderEmail = new MailAddress("", "Jamil");
var receiverEmail = new MailAddress(receiver, "Receiver");
var password = "Your Email Password here";
var sub = subject;
var body = message;
var smtp = new SmtpClient {
Host = "",
Port = 587,
EnableSsl = true,
DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
UseDefaultCredentials = false,
Credentials = new NetworkCredential(senderEmail.Address, password)
using(var mess = new MailMessage(senderEmail, receiverEmail) {
Subject = subject,
Body = body
}) {
return View();
} catch (Exception) {
ViewBag.Error = "Some Error";
return View();
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